Be Intentional

This post will be somewhat short, but I am aiming to blog on a more consistent basis from now on!

I am an avid believer in living a no-frills lifestyle. I prefer to not play games when it comes to relationships: in both my friendships and romantic endeavors. I tell it like it is and I think it’s important to be up-front with people. 

I feel that communication is key to every relationship in life, and if you are constantly filling that communication with faux behavior, then it is likely that you will have a poor relationship. Too many people begin relationships with a false front, only to “let their guard down” a few months or years into it. When that guard is finally let down, both people in the relationship can be left feeling let down or distanced from the other person. This often can result in the beginning of the end of that relationship. Be honest with yourself and with others and you will see a dramatic improvement in the quality of your life and relationships.

A few months ago, I finished reading this book called, “The Defining Decade.” It’s about how important the 20s are for personal growth and your future. I would like to share part of the last paragraph from the Epilogue. For me; it was one of the most significant and relevant things to my own life right now.

“The future isn’t written in the stars. There are no guarantees. So claim your adulthood. Be intentional. Get to work. Pick your family. Do the math. Make your own certainty. Don’t be defined by what you didn’t know or didn’t do.

You are deciding your life right now.”